Contact & Inquiry

If you’re not ready to book and would like to ask us a question please drop us an email or complete the form below.
07824 773 060

The Old Millhouse
40 Newmills Road
Dalkeith EH22 2AQ

Directions to The Old Millhouse

How to find us

  • Follow Sat Nav – onto New Mills Road
  • Look for large stone entrance with Archway to a Care home on the right
  • Drive past the care home– 400 yards on the right you will see brown wood gates ( just before the pedestrian crossing / traffic lights)
  • On the wall beside the gates – there is a number to call for the gates to be opened
  • While you are staying at the house you will have access in and out of the gates by remote.
  • Should you have any problems finding us please call 07824 773 060